Since I have a an office job as so many other people, I need quite a bit of exercise in order to energize myself and feel good. For many years I have been running 2 to 3 times a week, sometimes a little more,  sometimes a little less. But I always felt it was not really enough, I still suffered from lack of energy towards the end of the work day. 
After having been hit with different illnesses this summer, I decided to do an experiment, or rather, a challenge: To run 20 minutes every day.
20 minutes a day sounds doable, right? After all, I was used to run 10K’s, sometimes 15K’s and over the years I have been running the 21K Half Marathon distance 3 times or more. 
Actually it was tougher to get started than I thought.
I started the daily 20 minute runs roughly 6 weeks ago, and in order to not overdo it from the get-go, I took breaks every 5 days. Still 6 weeks later I have not reached a level, where I can run every single day. every 4 or 5 days I need to rest for a few days, solely because of sore knees.  You would think that an experienced runner easily could run that tiny amount of time every day, but the conclusion so far, is that a few days of break once in a while is needed. 
On the flip side, I have gained a lot of energy from running so often. At work, I have much more energy at the end of the day, and overall, I just feel much better than I used to. So at least runnning 5 days a week seems to be good. The trick will be to pause for a day every once in a while. I now plan to run  3 days, rest day, 2 days, rest day for the next 4 weeks. If the knees starts to play nice, then maybe I will go for 6 days, rest day. We will see. 🙂